
Gemma and Bella


Gemma and Bella

“Those who are familiar with Westies will know and identify with anyone who has accompanied them in their final moments. My two gorgeous girls have both died within seven months of each other, Gemma (16) back in March this year and Bella (13) just this week, on the 7th October.

The gap they leave is indescribable. This in itself, is indicative the wonderful companionship and love they have given me over so many years. Being a single man, they have been there for me through thick and thin, ever dependable, always ready to bring me down to earth, getting me out and about, helping me to enjoy life and so much more. With their characteristic Westie nature they have remained the loyalist of mates I could ever have wished for and given me so much happiness and a sense almost of being a Team!

I thank God for them and trust that, whatever lies for them beyond this life, they never lose whatever it was that made them give so much to a mere human being like me! God bless them.

Tim (Girling) – Leicester

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