PENNY You’re always in my heart
1st of August, 2012
I think about you every day, I often call your name.
‘Cause all I have is memories.
With which I’ll never part
Because you were so very special
You’re always in my heart.
PENNY You’re always in my heart
1st of August, 2012
I think about you every day, I often call your name.
‘Cause all I have is memories.
With which I’ll never part
Because you were so very special
You’re always in my heart.
CINDERELLA – 15/10/06 to 10/10/14 Cinderella was taken from us so young to a serious illness, much loved and missed by so many – RIP.
JJ 3rd June 2005 to 9th April 2014 Our One and Only JJ Thank you Son, for being you,The way you talked & played,all the silly things you’d do,Gone quiet where once you laid. We miss your lovely little teeth,The tap tap of your paws,forever in our hearts,We promise you for sure. You taught us…