Westie ReHoming supports PET THEFT AWARENESS WEEK March 14th-21st

15th of March, 2014 – Raising Awareness and Calling for Tougher Penalties for Pet Thieves

This is our chance to highlight to a wider audience the misery that thieves are causing by stealing pets and horses.

We have three main aims: Prevention, guidance to victims, and to campaign for tougher laws. If you own a pet the chances are that someone else will want it! Some will be irreplaceable pets and many will be highly trained and valuable working dogs. If your pet was stolen please contact us as we’d like to highlight your story to help others.

During PTAW we’ll be offering preventative tips, showing how technology can help, and highlighting why more needs to be done to fight back against the thieves!

“We spoke to Hertfordshire Police who told us that they record the theft of a dog in the same category as the theft of a plantpot – as an object”.

There are lots of ways you can get involved, no matter how much time you have. You can print off some posters to put up in your local stable, school, vets practice or community notice board or download some banners to use on your own blogs, facebook pages and websites! PLEASE CLICK to go to the link

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