WRH Westie Walk & Picnic, Sandringham Park
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The East Anglia volunteers enjoyed a picnic and walk in 2014 where they were able to meet up with westies that had been rehomed via them. It was so successful that attendees have asked that this becomes an annual event. The next reunion has been scheduled to take place on Friday, 3 July 2015. We will be meeting at 12pm at Sandringham Country Park (by the car park on the long walk opposite the Visitors Centre). It will consist of a walk for those who wish to take part and a picnic (bring your own refreshments, table and chairs). There will be goodies provided for the dogs and plenty of friendly chat for their handlers. An invitation is extended to all westie owners who would like to join in (please contact Jan Baynes on 01354 693144 if you wish to take part so that we can ensure there are sufficient goody bags available). If the family consists of another dog, other than a westie, that is also welcome. On behalf of Westie Rehoming, the East Anglia volunteers look forward to meeting as many westies as possible, BUT PLEASE LET US KNOW YOU’RE COMING.
There will be a raffle and plenty of fun and westie chat for everyone.