Jacqui and Robert will be taking urgent calls covering the whole of the Christmas and New Year break, on 0844 879 4260. If you have a general call about rehoming we would appreciate if it could wait until after Christmas Day/Boxing Day so that we can try to spend some quality time with our own dogs during the holiday. Any enquiries of a veterinary nature, please contact your vet who will have out of hours cover. If your call really is urgent on Christmas or Boxing Day then do call us on the above number.

We would ask you to try to avoid calling other volunteers over Christmas week please as we would like them to enjoy Christmas with their families. Rehoming will resume in the first week of January.
The lead up to Christmas and the summer holidays is always our busiest period and so do bear with us if we don’t respond to your call/message/email as fast as you would like. At the moment we are working flat out with some very needy dogs that will sadly be long-term fosters and not ready for rehoming for the foreseeable future. We’d appreciate your patience as always.
Many Thanks