West Highland Terrier Charity Walk, Ryde, Isle Of Wight
Mother and daughter Sharon and Dionne who are fortunate to live on the Isle of Wight are the originators of IOW Westies, a social group for westie lovers on the island. We were delighted when they approached us recently to say that they would like to do a ‘Westie Walk’ along the beach at Ryde to raise funds to help the dogs that come into our care. This took place on Sunday Oct. 21st. and all entries received a lovely tartan rosette.
Just a few of the many westies walking for us. There were also special rosettes for Prettiest Bitch, Most Handsome Dog, Most vocal westie (no doubt fiercely contested!),Cutest puppy Waggiest Tail, Friendliest Pooch,Best Veteran over 8 yrs old. WRH Volunteers Len and Jan (Cambs)represented the charity, and Jan judged the Special classes. We are indebted to Sharon and Dionne for their kindness and hard work in organising the walk which despite the windy damp day was a tremendous success and was attended by in excess of 40 westies. Everyone had a wonderful time, not a cross word amongst the dogs, and everyone is looking forward to a repeat sometime next year.