Timmy Goes for Gold
We now have an update to our blog of June 4th on Timmy, rehomed to Fiona in Angus, Scotland!

Fiona adopted Timmy two years ago when he was approaching 10 years old. He had lived a very sedentary and uneventful life with no training whatsoever. He took to his new life like a duck to water, and within 6 months had gained his bronze Kennel Club award, absolutely loving his obedience classes.
Timmy was on target to take his KC Silver award, and then the pandemic struck. He really missed the socialisation and challenges of his class, and so it must be said did his ‘mum’.

Today however, Timmy was able to take both his Silver and his Gold Award and he sailed through both with flying colours.
This speaks volumes for taking on an older dog with no previous training or experience, and proves beyond any doubt that any dog is capable of learning almost anything at any age, depending how you go about it.
It must be said that the secret to his success is the strong relationship that he has with Fiona which is tangible, meaning that he just wants to please her which is half the battle.
Well done little man, and well done Fiona, we’re so proud of you both!